This blog post is all about how you can start living like the rich with these 11 daily habits of successful people.

Our time is a valuable commodity, which is a concept that extremely successful people do NOT take for granted. So when we begin to see trends in the daily habits of successful people, we know it's time worth spent. As a single mom, 9-to-5er, AND business owner, I know all about not having time to waste yet I still find time to practice most of the daily habits of successful people.
On the journey to living our best life, we need to be super selective about where we place our efforts. Especially when most of our time is being taken up parenting, jobs, the community, and more! But what if there was a way of living that allowed you to better take on day-to-day life AND anything else you might want to do.
The daily habits of successful people help them keep their minds & bodies at 100% so they can launch their next big idea. I'm about to expose all those habits so that you can optimize your routine for success too!
This blog post is all about the 11 daily habits of successful people that you can use to change your life.
Why are Habits and Routines so Important?
It's crazy to think that something as simple as a habit or routine could have such a huge affect on a person's success. However, if you look at the difference between a highly successful person and a low-achiever one of the biggest differences is how they fill their time.
One of my favorite self-development books, The Atomic Habits, the author James Clear mentions a concept called "keystone habits."
Which simply means: habits, that when adopted, create a series of positive changes that affect multiple different areas of a person' life.
The daily habits of successful people are filled with keystone habits, that impact their productivity, wellbeing, goal achievement, and so much more.
Think of it like a work smarter not harder approach! For those that are looking to become more successful, it's important to not only place your energy in the places that matter, but in actions that will have their biggest positive impact overall.
I highly recommend grabbing a copy of the Atomic Habits by James Clear, as he does a brilliant job of teaching you how to create effective habitual systems through small changes over time so that they stick.
How I started practicing the daily habits of Successful People
I began paying attention to the positive daily habits of successful people when I became a health coach for a popular health app in 2020.
The app coaching program promoted a cognitive psychological approach to healthy living that was super effective for it's members.
Behind the scenes, I began to learn more about what it meant to break down a "Big Picture" into small bit-sized goals over a period of time.
By identifying where my users wanted to be, we could build up consistency in areas that positively impacted the healthy in larger ways.
One of the biggest mental blocks I encountered while coaching was a sort of discouragement or an intimidation of large health goals. Although people were excited about losing weight or feeling better they weren't sure if and how they would get there.
As a coach, it was my job to help them break down their journey into more manageable steps.
For example, if a person's goal was to "feel better' in their daily life, we may identify they aren't drinking enough water. From there we could start with a introductory goal of 2 glasses a day and build up to 8 glasses of water over a couple of weeks.
By drinking more water, a person can experience less hunger cravings, feel more hydrated, see some weight loss, and more!
I began to wonder if this approach to building healthy lifestyles could work in other areas of our life.
What if my goal was to be successful, to start a business, or to advance my career?
While physical health is important, and some of the habits below will reflect this, I had to know more about optimizing my life for success.
I had to know what the daily habits of successful people looked like . . . and this is what I found.
11 Daily Habits of Successful People
1. Setting Goals
The very first daily habit of successful people I uncovered was goal-setting.
Which makes sense!
If you want to be successful, then it's super important to have a goal.
HOWEVER, it's not just an overall life goal that successful people lean into, but small targeted goals that allow them to build up to their ideal lifestyle.

Successful people are constantly creating and achieving the things they set out to do! Which means having short-term goals that get them closer to their bigger long-term goals.
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2. Practicing Gratitude
I've lost count of how many gurus, authors, millionaires, and more have all said that practicing gratitude is an essential part of their day.
As soon as they wake up in the morning, they create space to be grateful what is AND what's to come.
I'll be the first to admit, I used to think this was silly fluff that they used to pad their books and courses.
It wasn't until I implemented practicing gratitude in my morning routine, that I started see the large effect of this one small habit.
By making space for and practicing gratitude you'll go into each day feeling more positive and motivated, which can help you transition from a glass half empty to a glass half full mindset.
With practice over time, I began to see a decrease in negativity about my present circumstances, which made room for me to celebrate ever day as a success!
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3. Exercising Daily
While I can go on to list all the obvious reasons why movement is an important daily habit of successful people, I'm going to take a slightly different approach.
Regular exercise isn't just for fitness—it's fuel for your mind.
Physical activity boosts energy levels, sharpens focus, and reduces stress. Whether it's a morning jog or a yoga session, carving out time for exercise is a non-negotiable habit for peak performance.
4. Waking Up Early
Imagine checking things off your to do list hours before most of the world has even started their day.
Not only is this a daily habit of successful people because it allows them to maximize the amount of available hours in a day, but the morning is also considered a peak time of improved focus and creativity.
I've noticed I write a lot faster and clearer in the early morning than I do late at night.
There are a lot of insane benefits to being an early riser.
Some of which include: increased productivity, improved mental health, better time management, enhanced creativity, and more!
I learned a lot about this keystone habit form the book, The 5AM Club, by Robin Sharma.
If you want to go more in-depth into the whys and hows of waking up early, I suggest reading this book as it has a LOT of incredible wisdom. Plus, it has a storyline format that's super engaging, you can't help but learn.
5. Establishing a Morning Routine
What's the point of waking up early if you aren't utilizing those hours effectively right?
In his book, The 5AM Club, Robin Sharma details the optimal morning routine using the 20/20/20 formula.
20 Minutes of Exercise, 20 Minutes of self-reflection, and 20 minutes dedicated to personal growth or learning.
6. Journaling
Imagine starting your day with a clear mind and a plan of action.
That's the magic of journaling.
By jotting down your thoughts, goals, and tasks, you gain clarity and focus. Reflecting on your experiences and tracking progress can provide valuable insights and keep you on course toward your dreams.
7. Time Blocking
Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? T
ime blocking is your superhero cape. By allocating specific time slots for tasks, you become a master of productivity.
This method ensures you tackle important activities without succumbing to distractions. Plus, crossing off completed blocks feels oh-so-satisfying!
8. Reading
Successful folks are avid readers for a reason.
Books are treasure troves of knowledge, ideas, and inspiration that highly successful people take advantage of regularly.
As I'm writing this, I'm currently reading 'Buy Back Your Time' by Dan Martell. It's all about how to optimize your time as an entrepreneur to minimize burnout in your business. Awesome read!
By reading regularly, you expand your horizons, stay informed, and cultivate a curious mind. Dive into books related to your field, self-improvement, or wherever your heart leads you.
My Top Fav Books for Entrepreneurs

9. Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep is a secret weapon of achievers.
Quality rest is essential for cognitive function, creativity, and overall well-being.
Prioritize sleep like your success depends on it (because it does!). Aim for 7-8 hours a night to wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day.
10. Prioritizing
Successful people are masters of prioritization.
They know how to distinguish between urgent and important tasks, focusing on what truly matters. Whether you're a full on Asana wizard or simple to-do list maker it's important to identify priorities and allocate your time wisely.
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11. Minimizing Social Media Intake
In a world buzzing with notifications, successful individuals know when to unplug.
While social media has its perks, excessive scrolling can be a productivity killer.
Set limits, schedule social media breaks, and reclaim precious time for meaningful activities that propel you toward your goals.
So, in conclusion,
It's pretty insane how a series of small things in your routine can have such a crazy impact on our lives. The daily habits of successful people help them to maintain focus, keep their health, and build their empires without all the burnout.
No matter the lifestyle you're looking to acheive incorporating these habits into your routine can supercharge your journey to success. Remember, it's not about perfection but consistency. Start small, stay committed, and watch as these daily habits of successful people transform your life!
This blog post has been all about how the wealthy stay on top with the 11 daily habits of successful people.
Stay Creative,
~J.D. Ashmore